Heritage Trees
How To Identify a Heritage Tree
As defined by Professor Paul Aird, Faculty of Forestry, the University of Toronto in The Forestry Chronicle, 2005 (a professional journal of the Canadian Institute of Forestry), a "heritage tree" is a tree having one, or more, of the following characteristics:
A notable specimen because of its size, form, shape, beauty, age, colour, rarity, genetic constitution, or other distinctive features:
• A living relic that displays evidence of cultural modification by Aboriginal or non-Aboriginal people, including strips of bark or knot-free wood removed, test hole cut to determine soundness, furrows cut to collect pitch or sap, or blazes to mark a trail;
• A prominent community landmark;
• A specimen associated with a historic person, place, event or period;
• A representative of a crop grown by ancestors and their successors that is at risk of disappearing from cultivation;
• A tree associated with local folklore, myths, legends, or traditions.
This definition is used by Forests Ontario and is generally accepted among heritage tree protection advocates. However, trees can also be given heritage status when they are part of an individual property or Heritage Conservation District via Heritage Preservation Services that meet criteria for designation under the OHA.
---Protection of Heritage Trees -City of Toronto