To be a member of the North York Historical Society Youth Committee,
you can join the Youth Projects to protect and promote North York History.
Visual Arts Documentary Photo Blog
Podcast Audio Tour Guide Audio History
Annual Membership Fees
$5 Student
$25 Family
Membership Form
Please complete the membership form, and mail it with your cheque to North York Historical Society to:
North York Historical Society
5576 Yonge Street
P.O. Box 10042
North York, ON M2N 0B6
You may also email the form to nyhsyc@nyhs.ca.
Payment is also accepted by Interac e-Transfer to nyhsyc@nyhs.ca. Cash will also be accepted at meetings.
Donations are gratefully accepted.
You may include a donation with your cheque or Interac e-Transfer. Charitable receipts for income tax purposes will be provided for donations of $20 or more.
You may also donate online by credit card.